Wrapping NOS4A2

For the past few months I worked as a production assistant on a show called NOS4A2, based off the Joe Hill novel. It debuts later this year on AMC. It was my first real position on a production, and I wanted to take the time and talk about it here.

Being involved in a TV production is definitely eye opening in terms of learning how much goes into creating a movie/series. I was the production assistant for the construction and scenic departments, so I saw first hand how much work was put into building and creating sets. It’s amazing how much time and money goes into this design work.

As the PA I did a lot of errands, and basically whatever anyone asked of me. There was definitely a lot of down time, which on most days I didn’t mind. Coming into the construction department was slightly intimidating at first because it’s dominated by men, and I can be really shy and awkward sometimes. However, I’m so happy with the guys I met. Everyone was really sweet to me. Leaving left me really emotional. I really do think I had one of the best PA jobs on the show. In addition to my department actually really liking me, I don’t think I was ever yelled at or abused, and I worked less hours than most (while still getting paid the same).

I really liked meeting new people and spending time with new people. It’s something I haven’t done in a long time. At the wrap party, I was drunk and talking to strangers, and just having a good time. That kind of carefreeness, is something I haven’t experienced in a long time. If I’m drinking with my friends and family, it’s different because I know everyone. There’s no new faces, so I feel comfortable to leave the party, or to not drink at all. When there’s people around I sort of know, but kind of don’t, I’m more apt to use some liquid confidence – and that’s where the best stories usually come from.

Although there were times I was ready for the show to end (killing 10 hours a day when there’s nothing to do is harder than it sounds!), I really loved my experience. I met so many great people. It was wonderful to be around some of the other PAs who are young and hungry to work in this business. Whether it be talking about our own favorite movies, or the scripts and shorts people are working on, I was really inspired. It was a refreshing reminder of what I want to be doing, and motivates me to take some action.