Winter Wind Down

As I grabbed my coffee from the drive thru window, the first sign of winter appeared: a flurry of snow. It wasn’t the kind of flakes that would stick to the ground, or even last longer than a few minutes, but it was a teaser of what’s to come. I have a greater tolerance for the cold and winter than most of my friends and family. Maybe it’s because of the holidays, or my birthday in January, but I’ve learned to love the snow and embrace the cold.

I’m shocked when I look at the calendar and see Thanksgiving is next week, because that means Christmas is around the corner, and the end of 2018 is upon us. Instead of looking at all the wasted time and unfulfilled promises I made to myself, I’m using the last month or so of the year to prepare for the next. How can I make 2019 mine? It needs to be new, productive, and exciting. I need to get organized.

I worry a lot about where my career (or lack thereof) is going. I ask myself “what next?” all the time. I wonder why I haven’t made any content, or been consistent with projects I’ve wanted to start. There is no better time to start than now, and that’s what I have to prepare for. 2019 will be my now.