Portrait Photography

Last night I met up with my friend Donnie. He has recently taken up the hobby of photography, and he asked me to be his model to practice some more techniques so I did my makeup simple and naturally, wore a casual black romper and we headed to a local lake and a park in the middle of Providence to take some pictures.

They came out wonderful, even prior to editing. For someone who is heavily interested in media and film, I have never been a photographer. I enjoy being the subject in pictures (although I am no model), but have not mastered the art of taking them. Last night’s experience really showed me how beautiful photography can be. I just felt like a girl standing in the park, staring blankly ahead, but then I saw the pictures and they looked way cooler than I felt. It’s in the magic of the clarity of the lens and its sensor, it’s in the eye of the artist to take the raw photo, then edit it to make it stylistic and awe the viewer.

I have never scrolled through so many photos of myself and actually liked a lot of them. There was something about the lighting, or the clarity, or the rawness of the pictures, where the location, the outfit, all the extra, didn’t seem all that relevant.

It felt good to feel good.