On Taking Control of my Creativity

I think of myself as a very eclectic person. I’m interested in so many things, that every time I want to embark on a creative project I can’t keep my mind from wandering and thinking of new ideas. In that way, nothing ever gets to completion.

For example, I’ve been keeping a blog on and off since I was in middle school. I started on LiveJournal, mainly writing about menial activities and my love for Harry Potter and Fall Out Boy (10+ years later and some things never change), made my way to Tumblr in high school, and even started my own website on WordPress. This is the second iteration of my WordPress website. But this time will be different! I have to keep telling myself this, and I have to discipline myself to make it happen. I have no idea what this blog will become – if I’ll make the content more focused to a niche, or just let it be about me and my life.

Currently I’m trying to be more creative and get the ideas in my head into my hands. That means writing, filming, and editing the scenes I have in my mind, fleshing out the epic novel I’ve been thinking about onto an actual word document, finally putting video content on YouTube without fear.

Rereading that paragraph already has me worried, but excited as well. I’ve been wanting to create content and products on my own, but afraid and unable to push myself to do those things. However, I know some of my friends feel the same way in their creative paths, and I’ve met some people through school and work who I believe have that desire as well. Sometimes it takes a little push – so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to push myself, and round up the people who I know can use a push too.