On Making Changes

I’m trying to make new changes and create a lifestyle, but it comes with difficulty.

Clearly I’m finding it’s hard to keep up with a blog. Ideally I would like to post something once a week, whether it be word vomit posts of my thoughts (kind of like this), lifestyle blogs that share events and happenings of my personal life, or creative works. There are too many days in which I don’t feel like writing, or I have nothing to write about, or I’m too trapped in my own mind that I don’t want to share how I’m really feeling. But I need to push through the wall that keeps me from posting.

I’m working on my health and fitness, although I need to be more disciplined in creating a work out schedule, and watching my eating habits. I’m easily swayed from going to the gym and eating right (I had a delicious and sugar-filled chocolate chip cookie for breakfast), so I have to work at being more mindful of those choices.

I’m working on a creative production type project with my friends, and I’m trying to get the aesthetics done quickly. I’m hoping that after the office space is created, the writing and content production will come easier. However, I need to motivate and push myself to start getting ideas planned, written, and produced.

And then there are the everlasting monetary struggles – paying bills, not making enough money, planning for the future, and for this creative venture. I’m trying to ‘adult’ and trying to make bigger career moves/investments, while working for the paycheck that keeps me afloat in the meantime, and it gets very overwhelming.

I think having a good support system around you is what helps ease anxiety about these situations. They are the people who believe in you, and help you see reality. I believe I am lacking in that department, because I find it hard to be honest and talk about the things I really want. I have trouble opening up to people, but I think I play it off well. So there’s another change I’m trying to make. Working on this aspect of myself might be the key to changing everything else.