On Instilling Discipline

I’m currently in the phase of my life known as “adulting” – the transitional period from being a dopey college student with few worries, to a real functional human being who has relative mental stability, financial, and housing independence. I’m just trying to get my shit together.

I’m trying to discipline myself in more areas of my life. People often talk about inspiration and motivation to keep going for their goals, and I agree. You need those things that inspire you and drive you to make a change or go for a dream. However, I don’t feel that spurt of motivation every day. There are days where I feel down and out and don’t want to do anything except lay in my bed. That’s where discipline comes into play. In the same way that there are days that I complain and dread going into work, I still go. And that mentality is what I’m trying to put forth in the other parts of my life.

I need to make myself work out or go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I need to force myself to write and work for a few hours each week on creative projects. I need to make these habits, and not just hobbies or phases.

I’m starting small, but I’m starting.