Life Updates, and the End of 2017

It has been quite awhile since I have posted here. I guess I’ve been preoccupied and too lazy to put anything up. However, I definitely wanted to close 2017 properly by documenting where I’ve been/what I’ve been doing/how I’ve been feeling for the past 2-3 months. My last post was in September about my friend Diana’s wedding, so let’s continue on chronologically.

October: The last week or so of this month I went to California for the first time! I went with two of my friends, Nicole and Tina. It was a very short, and very busy trip. I went to Disneyland for the first time (Disney in general), and I felt just like a child. I was so happy to be there and take in all that I could. I’m not much a thrill ride kind of person (I am the worst to go to Six Flags with!), so I loved that Disney was full of family friendly/minimal height/drop rides. While we were there we even saw Adam Sandler with his daughter. We also stopped by Fairfax and saw Tyler, the Creator walking down the street as well.

Nicole, me and Tina on the teacups! The $30 Mickey ears were WORTH it.

The Maine started their Modern Nostalgia tour in LA, and to nobody’s surprise, of course we went. I love seeing my favorite band in places that aren’t the east coast (like AZ earlier this year) because the crowd and experience is different. In my honest opinion, I didn’t love the new album (Lovely Little Lonely) as much as I have past albums, but hearing American Candy live and straight through was amazing. I never get tired of seeing these boys play. I hope I can always look forward to going to their shows for years to come.

On my last day in LA Nicole and I attended a taping of Conan O’Brien. Being on the studio lot was really cool. It was getting a taste of something that feels so out of reach, knowing TV shows and movies are filmed somewhere on the huge lot. I always enjoy show tapings, but they are always so long and I am always tired during them from waiting for hours. It’s just a part of the experience, I guess!

Unfortunately I did come home with sun poisoning after the California heat wave of 100+ literally only during the four days we were there, but it all cleared up before Halloween, when I left for Asia.

November: As soon as November rolled around, I was on several planes headed to Asia with my family. In two and a half weeks I took over 10 flights and slept in 7 different places. I didn’t expect to have as great of a time as I did. The thought of family vacation in a developing country really didn’t sound that appealing to me from past experiences. However before I left, I did tell myself to try hard to enjoy and be patient with my parents. I had a feeling that this trip could be the last family trip we take for awhile, with Noy and Chris (my sister and brother-in-law) trying to save money and perhaps start a family, my parents getting older, and me trying to “adult.”

Cave views

There was an itinerary every single day while I was in Asia. We did a lot of shopping and sightseeing in Vientiane and had adventures in Vang Vieng. There, I zip lined for the first time (recall my fear of thrill/heights etc.), went kayaking down a lengthy river, and swam (with a life jacket of course!) in beautiful blue lagoons. The nature sights are so beautiful, truly like a painting. In Vietnam we had amazing food (!!!), like the things my mom makes or buys in America (bun xeo, pho, bahn mi) but one hundred times better. In Thailand we shopped, went on tours to temples, silk and jade factories, and fed elephants and other animals during a night safari. On one of our last nights in Asia, my dad’s family threw us a party at their house – full catering service included, and even a roti truck!

Noy and I

I had such an amazing time with my immediate family in Asia, but also with my extended family. Everyone was so excited to see us and spend time with us. When we arrived to Laos, we had a huge welcoming committee from both sides of my family. I wish we could have spent more time with my mom’s side – we had dinner with them twice, but that’s all. 🙁 It was really nice to see my parents have such a great time too. I know both my mom and dad loved being able to see and spend time with their siblings and cousins. My dad is a character in himself, and I know he absolutely loved being in Laos with his family … he’s an outdoorsman and loved the kayaking, and zip lining, road tripping with his brother/cousins, visiting his hometown, and seeing his dad. From my own memory, this is the first time I’ve ever met my grandfather. The first places we went to when we arrived in Asia were the cemeteries so we could visit and give our respects to my grandparents, and the relatives of my parents who have passed. I think not having a relationship with my grandparents or blood family for that matter in America is definitely something that I feel like I’ve missed out on. It was very humbling  to be able to feel connected to my family in those moments.

I came home from Asia and winter and holidays hit me like a brick. Thanksgiving was that week and then December and all the joys/stress of Christmastime came all at once. I came home and felt a mix of stress, dread, and anxiety. The feeling of going back to work, looking for a new job, getting my life together etc. etc. But a month has passed and Christmas and New Years is this week. For the most part, I feel pretty good. Sure I am always a little stressed, maybe a little depressed, and definitely anxiety ridden, but I feel better now than I have probably at all this year.

I’m excited to find ways to be inspired and refreshed for my career and personal goals in 2018.