Is it Spring?

It’s no surprise that weather impacts a person’s mood. In the past I’ve often experienced this ‘winter depression.’ However, this year I’ve become more appreciative of the cold, and especially snow falling. In my journey of self love and self discovery I’ve made it a point to embrace and enjoy the winter, with the mentality of ‘everyday can be a beautiful day.’

I’ve experienced some emotional turmoil these past few months (and am still working through them now). In an effort to focus on myself and be a better person overall, I’ve practiced and learned to appreciate the little things that make me happy, and feed into the activities that get me excited.

I’ve always loved watching the snow fall, and this year I made sure to watch it more. I feel a certain sense of innocence, awe, and peacefulness when I watch it. I feel like a little kid again, wanting to catch snowflakes on my tongue. Living in New England, the weather is always unpredictable. The calendar might say spring, but winter will never leave until its damn ready. This weekend was absolutely beautiful out. It finally felt like spring was here to stay, on Easter, no less. However, yesterday morning I woke up to a blanket of snow on my lawn and huge snowflakes falling. Then in just a few hours, all traces of snow faded away. My lawn was green again, and the branches that were so beautifully laden with snow became naked again.

I think of a little snowfall as a good sign, especially when my thoughts and emotions have taken me into the depths of my mind. Part of me likes to think that maybe it’s divine. When everyone else is so sick of the winter, I got a little reminder; something that makes me smile.

But it is time to move on. I am ready for the spring. Time to reset and readdress my goals, habits, and mentality.