Annicelli Wedding

This past weekend I celebrated the marriage of my friends Diana and Nicholas. I’ve known them both since high school, and was thrilled to attend their wedding.

during the ceremony

The ceremony was beautiful, a perfect late summer/early autumn day down in Newport, RI. The ceremony was held right by the water on the green of the naval base banquet hall, and the Newport Bridge could be seen in every photo. Inside the ballroom chandeliers lined the ceiling and a porch/deck area was a perfect place for pictures, and to get some fresh air.

Before they entered the ballroom as husband and wife, Nick and Diana recorded a video talking about the early years of their relationship, the proposal, and their love for one another. I thought it was very touching and made their entrance even more exciting and emotional for everyone. Both the maid of honor and best man were also friends of mine from high school, and of course their speeches had quite a few throwbacks to such memories.


Feeling fancy with friends

I loved seeing my friends dressed up and fancy, and I loved the way I looked/felt in my dress with my hair up. I wish I had more opportunities or events that required dressing up. There’s a certain feeling of confidence and elegance that comes over me when I spend the time to get fancy and feel good.

It was so much fun celebrating with close friends and seeing old faces. I was skeptical to see people I haven’t seen in years, and worried about whether everything would go smoothly, and aside from some spilled water and ripped pants, it did! I truly had an amazing time and hope to have more wedding experiences like this one.


The beautiful bride, Diana and I

I walked into wedding season a couple of years ago when I attended my family friend, Hellen’s events, and it’s been continuing ever since. I was the maid of honor in my sister’s wedding was last year, Diana’s just passed, and I am a bridesmaid in my best friend, Helena’s wedding next year. All the wedding related planning and events has my mind running in a circle of emotions and thoughts… that I will express in my next post.