2019: Setting (Attainable) Resolutions and Goals

The first week of 2019 down, just the rest of the year to go.

I’m a big believer in goal and resolution setting. I think it’s a step in the right direction in order to learn more about yourself and be the dream version of yourself. Sometimes taking a moment to stop and really think about what matters to you, and writing it down, seeing it blatantly stated helps you understand it and take it in better. Another way that visualizing your goals can help you achieve them is by thinking further into HOW they can be achieved. When I say I want to step up my yoga game, what does that mean? How can I step it up? Should I try a challenge, join a studio, make a goal of going twice a month, or making progress on a certain pose?

I recently reread my blog entry from last new years that documented my resolutions and goals for 2018. There was definitely an attempt at everything, but not quite a success at everything. I did make my bed every single day (it’s now a regular habit), met my book goal, and made advancements in my health and wellness.

The goal to move out was monetarily inhibited by a car accident that forced me to get a new car and ultimately spend a pretty penny out of my savings. However, I really love the car I ended up choosing, and I know it’ll be a great vehicle investment for the next several years.

2019 Resolutions and Goals

Attitudes and mindsets:

  • Discipline over motivation → make new habits and routines, force myself to do the things I know are good for me, even when I don’t want to.
  • Live with more intention and self awareness → engage in more holistic practices such as yoga, journaling, crystal healing, meditation etc.
  • Practice more patience and positivity → stop expecting things to happen so quickly, be patient in dealing with situations I do not not like, with my parents
  • Do more things for myself/ practice self-care and ‘me’ time
  • Be consistent with creativity practices, and proud of what I create and share it


  • MOVE OUT → own a condo locally, or get a new job to relocate and rent
  • Read 12 books → one per month, also read more books I already own
  • Make more art and share it with the public → post writing, paintings, cosplay etc
  • Learn new skills → practice editing on Adobe CC, advance in understanding of Spanish
  • Invest money → use a robo advisor such as Wealth Simple or Betterment
  • Practice yoga more often and regularly, learn more about the practice as a whole
  • Go to the gym more regularly → gain endurance, less fat and a lot more ass
  • Limit sugar and dairy intake
  • Cook more at home → try new recipes (document and post about experiences!)
  • Find a viable skin care routine
  • Get more involved in the esports community → make friends, attend events, volunteer work, try streaming on twitch!
  • Write a short story or a script, some form of a completed work
  • Post at least 2x a month on this blog (trying this goal again)
  • Work on creating an Instagram ‘aesthetic’ and using analytics

Currently I am in a place of uncertainty, which does give me a lot of anxiety. I am reaching the end of my contract job as a production assistant on an AMC TV show, and I am about to turn 26. So within the next couple of weeks I will be unemployed and without health insurance. I’m working very hard to remain positive, submit applications, and ultimately take active steps in figuring out my insurance and career advancement options.

I have a lot of things on my plate to work on this year, but something tells me this year will be a good one. Most of the goals I listed above are things I have been, or have wanted to work on for a long time. 2019 has to be the year of action.