2018: A New Year

New Year’s Eve used to be my favorite holiday when I was younger. I liked the idea of dressing up and partying just because. I also love the aesthetic – a mixture of all my favorite colors (black, white, gold, silver), and shiny sequins. Also, my first kiss as a teenager happened on the stroke of midnight. It’s still one of my favorite stories to tell, and the best NYE kiss I’ve ever had. However, the past couple of NYEs were drunk and drama filled so I think it’s time to put the idea of the perfect NYE ball/extravaganza to rest.

I still love New Year, but it’s not for the drinking and partying anymore, it’s for the vibe and energy. I know it’s cliche but I love the feeling of being refreshed and re-inspired. I love feeling like I can reinvent myself, reset and be better. I know you can do that any day of the year, but I still love the feeling of it as December comes to a close and January begins. Maybe it’s because I’m still on a holiday high, but I think it’s because so many people are optimistic for their resolutions and I feed off that energy.

Last night I wrote a list of resolutions and goals in a journal I have dubbed as my 2018 planning place – for lists, content ideas, etc. I want to share them here to hopefully keep myself slightly more accountable.


  • Be better in as many aspects as possible
  • Be more positive and patient
  • Create and share more
  • Be more aware and smarter about finances
  • Learn new skills (software, language, instrument)
  • Make health (mental and physical) a priority
  • Work on personal and professional growth
  • Be more charitable

Small Goals:

  • Make my bed every day
  • Work out, yoga, or deep stretch/meditation 3x a week
  • Read 5-10 books
  • Write 3x a week
  • Track expenses and other habits
  • Update this blog at a minimum of 2x a month
  • Start a YouTube channel or Instagram for digital content
  • Start investing money

Big Goals:

  • Get a new job
  • Move out (or be very, very close to moving out by the end of the year)
  • Create a routine and grow with creating a personal brand/business

Seeing this list written out scares me, to be honest. However, I also read it and get excited. I’m still working on getting organized. I need to clean out my room, rearrange what I can, and then do a tech clean out. I want to move all my files off of my MacBook Pro and reboot the whole thing, and also clean the hell out of this laptop (the dust has been building up for years!).

I’m planning my birthday festivities as well, and I was really discouraged last week, but I’m feeling much better about it now. I have some friends confirmed, and the airbnb is booked. Like most things lately, I’m excited but also scared to turn 25. I don’t know what it is, but something in my gut tells me this will be a good one.